7 Walt Disney World Restaurants That Are the Most Fun
Why do you visit Walt Disney World? You want to have fun! And you want to have it everywhere you go, including when you eat! Otherwise, you’d just stuff your face in a hurry in order to get back into line for the next ride. That’s not healthy, and Disney doesn’t want you doing it. Their solution is brilliant and satisfying. They built a ton of places to eat that are every bit as fun as your next ride on Seven Dwarfs Mine Train! Here are seven of the Walt Disney World restaurants where you’ll have the most fun.
1900 Park Fare
The character meals at 1900 Park Fare aren’t the same. The breakfast version is a whimsical but straightforward affair. Guests interact with iconic Disney characters like Winnie the Pooh, Mary Poppins, and Alice in Wonderland in a stately setting. While nice, it’s not the favored character meeting at the restaurant, at least not for this family.
For dinner, 1900 Park Fare transforms into a sillier setting. Cinderella and Prince Charming ostensibly overlook a regal buffet, but it’s the enemies of Cinderella who steal the show. Lady Tremaine and her dullard daughters, Drisella and Anastasia, wander the dining hall area, desperately seeking attention.
While you may hate them from the movies and fables, you’ll relish your interactions with these three women, as they’re the most engaging of all human character meetings at Walt Disney World. The ladies are catty, petty, and self-absorbed, and cast members play up these vain characteristics for maximum entertainment value. Don’t be afraid to go along with the bit, and you’ll have a wonderful time at 1900 Park Fare!
Chef Mickey’s
Mickey Mouse is the proverbial mouse that started it all, and Chef Mickey’s is the place where Disney presents its most important character meal. Here, Mickey puts on an adorable chef’s outfit and hosts a buffet. He brings his friends along for the festivities, giving guests a chance to hang out with Donald Duck, Pluto, Goofy, and Minnie Mouse.
The fun begins at Chef Mickey’s before you even sit down. Cast members will ask your party to pose for a photograph that will go straight into a frame on your wall if you’re anything like us. After that, you’ll sit down for a wonderful menu of peasant foods and divine desserts.
At various points during your meal, the five characters will wander over and say hello. You’ll receive a surprising amount of individual time with each one. Many of our favorite memories from Walt Disney World have occurred at Chef Mickey’s. My wife has actually celebrated multiple birthdays here, which speaks volumes about the entertainment value of the place.

Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café
Out of all the Quick Service restaurants at Walt Disney World, Cosmic Ray’s is the silliest. An audio-animatronic musician named Sonny Eclipse plays his intergalactic #1 singles. Titles like Starlight Soup and Salad, Planetary Boogie, and Yew Nork, Yew Nork will put a smile on your face while you dine in the recently expanded seating area. Most longtime Disney guests can share a story or two about Cosmic Ray’s. While it’s undeniably cheesy, many Mickey Travelers have a soft spot in their hearts for the musical stylings of Sonny Eclipse.

Jungle Navigation Co. Ltd. Skipper Canteen
Imagine a new script for Jungle Cruise. That’s the simple but elegant premise of Skipper Canteen, one of the newest restaurants at Magic Kingdom. This Table Service establishment has struggled a bit with his exotic menu, which seems more at home at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Disney’s already altered it several times since its debut, but the one thing they have never changed is the dialogue.
At Skipper Canteen, a fellow adventurer will treat you like you’re taking a hard-earned back from your intrepid thrill-seeking. As a member of the Society of Adventurers and Explorers (S.E.A.), you’ll feel right at home at this company headquarters renovated into a restaurant! You see, the granddaughter of Dr. Albert Falls needs some cash due to a lull in the sarcastic cruise industry. She builds this place to serve members like you who want to peruse some of the treasures acquired by S.E.A. explorers over the years.
The best part of this dining experience is the dialogue. Yes, it’s more ludicrous commentary and puns disguised as a meal. Some servers get into character more than others. When you have the right one, you’ll have a magical meal learning about exotic cuisines while listening to dozens of rapid-fire jokes. To maximize the Skipper Canteen experience, ask your host/hostess to sit at a table run by someone who really loves their job. Disney will take great care of you.

Photo credit: www.mousesteps.com
Sci-Fi Dine-In
Fast food takes on an entirely new context at this establishment. Sci-Fi Dine-In recreates date night back when your great-grandparents were teenagers. Guests walk into a dark restaurant and receive an escort (think of them as a car hop) to a hollowed out convertible. It’s a “car” that’s really a dining table. It can seat four, but like with a real car, the people in the back are subdivided from those in the front. For this reason, a dining experience at Sci-Fi Dine-In is one of the most intimate meals at Walt Disney World.
The intimacy is just a happy bonus. We eat here for the fun. The centerpiece of the restaurant is a giant projection screen akin to those from drive-in movie theaters. The movie reel on display here is a combination of hysterical animated shorts, ridiculously bad science-fiction movies, and some classic clips of Walt Disney and a talking robot. It’s an intoxicating concoction that has proven so popular that Disney has NEVER changed it since the restaurant opened. Eating here is equal parts ridiculous and marvelous.
Scientists debate something rather silly. Did a comet or an asteroid kill the dinosaurs? At T-REX, the answer to the question is irrelevant. What matters is that every twenty minutes, the restaurant puts on a show. The building’s lights dim as a celestial event gets projected on the ceiling. Simultaneously, audio-animatronic dinosaurs begin to wail in terror, recognizing that something awful is about to transpire.
This show is so loud that it’s impossible to carry on a conversation during the meal. It’s also AWESOME in every way. Kids appear hypnotized by the proceedings. Plus, there’s a special Build-a-Dino gift shop on the right side of the building. So, these children get to leave with a new toy, too!
Whispering Canyon Café
This selection may prove honorary, depending on what happens next. Historically, Whispering Canyon Café at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge has been THE place to go for a good time and a campfire grill. The servers here are beloved for their antics, as they scream and shout their way through the meal, doing everything that they can to entertain the troops.
The bummer is that Disney recently confirmed that they have toned down the raucous atmosphere at Whispering Canyon Café. Apparently, all of the yelling displeased some unsuspecting guests. For a time, Disney tested a program that allowed diners to pick the classic or the calm version of the meal. At this time, Disney’s retooling the meal experience. Hopefully, they won’t mess too much with this place, the most exciting spot to order ketchup at Walt Disney World.
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I’m not sure what makes Chef Mickey’s such a fun place. We’ve eaten there for dinner, brunch, and breakfast, trying to give it the benefit of the doubt. But all three meals were meh (at best). We usually have to wait a half hour past our reservation time before even being seated. The characters don’t spend anymore time at your table than they do at other character meals. When we went there in Dec (2018) we didn’t even get to see Mickey. And we’d been there for an hour & a half!
Tusker House is a MUCH better character meal. The characters seem to get around to your table a few times during your visit, but don’t rush off quickly when there. And the food is far & above the food at Chef Mickey’s. The setting is also much more interesting.