More AMC Movie Theaters Opening!
Most of AMC’s Theaters are Opening This Week
Are you holding out to see Raya and the Last Dragon in the theater? Well, do I have good news for you.
AMC Theaters is opening a whole bunch of their theaters this weekend.
It’s showtime! AMC Theatres says it will have 98% of its U.S. movie theaters open on Friday as a bunch of theaters reopen in California. Even more theaters are expected to open by March 26.
AMC said that more than 40 of its locations in California are reopening beginning on Friday. California is expected to open 52 of its 54 locations by Monday. The Leawood, Kansas-based company is preparing to resume operations at the rest of its California locations once the proper local approvals are in place. AMC previously opened more than 500 of its theaters elsewhere around the country.
Movie theaters all over shuttered their doors a year ago as the coronavirus pandemic swept the globe.
More Movie Theaters
Obviously, this is a big deal, both for fans and investors.
“It was exactly one year ago that we closed all AMC locations in the United States. It gives me immense joy to say that by the end of next week we expect that 99% of our U.S. locations will have reopened,” Adam Aron, CEO and President of AMC said in a release. “As we have done at all of locations around the country, AMC is reopening and operating with the highest devotion to the health and safety of our guests and associates through our AMC Safe & Clean policies and protocols, which were developed in consultation with Clorox and with current and former faculty at the prestigious Harvard University School of Public Health.
AMC Safe & Clean includes social distancing & automatic seat blocking in each auditorium, mandatory mask-wearing, and upgraded air filtration with MERV-13 air filters, as well as many other important health, sanitization and cleanliness efforts.”
Raya In Lots of Theaters
Of Raya and the Last Dragon, AMC Scene quoted Kelly Marie Tran (Raya), who said:
I feel like Raya is such a different character and something special that Disney is trying to do with this movie. They are really broadening the narrative when it comes to what instinctively comes to a person when they hear the word Princess, or they hear the word hero or how they think of a warrior.”
Tell us: Are you planning to head to the theater this weekend? Will you see Raya? Let us know in the comments.