Lessons We Can Learn From Each Disney Princess
With Women’s History Month officially underway, it’s time to celebrate the woman who inspire and encourage us (including princesses).
Disney films show us right and wrong, they allow us to guide our moral compass in ways you may not have even realized relate back to the films you’ve watched. Disney’s princess films are no different, and each princess has a lesson we can learn from her strength, courage, and kindness.
1. Snow White: You are the bringer of your own happiness in life
“Remember, you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine”.
There will always be something that can bring us down in life, but focusing on the positives around you while acknowledging the negatives is a much better way to try to live. Make space for the activities that bring you happiness.
2. Cinderella: There is always room for kindness, no matter the circumstance
You never know what battle other people are facing, and your kindness could change the course of someone’s day. Never underestimate the power of kindness.
3. Aurora: You never know what happiness awaits you around the corner
Life is full of twists and turns, even if we think we know exactly the course of our life. The most unexpected happenstance could be the one that changes your life for the better.
4. Ariel: Sometimes in life, you have to fight for what you want
Unfortunately, nothing in life comes easy, and sometimes there are multiple obstacles in the way of your goal. Don’t give up because the road is difficult, remember what you’re fighiting for.
5. Belle: There is always beauty to be found within everyone
Don’t dismiss anyone from their first impression- people are complex and sometimes have their guard up for reasons we don’t know. Make the effort to know someone and find their true beauty instead of immediately judging them.
6. Jasmine: Do not let anyone tell you what you’re worth
Don’t let anyone undermine you or make you believe that you’re worth less than you truly are. You know your true value, and if others try to discredit that, then make your standards and boundaries be known.
7. Pocahontas: You must listen to your heart
Your heart knows what you want, and you will only find true happiness within yourself by following what it’s telling you.
8. Mulan: No one can determine your strength but yourself
Others may try to put you down and make you believe that you’re weak, don’t let those people lessen your strength. Only you know your true inner strength, don’t let others put you down or put you in a corner.
9. Tiana: Luck and dreaming can only get you so far, hard work takes you to the next level
Don’t allow life to pass by while you’re waiting for your goal to become a reality. Luck and dreaming can only take you part of the way, your work towards that goal is what will make you achieve it.
10. Rapunzel: Just because your comfort zone is familiar, it doesn’t mean that it is what’s best for you
Stepping out of your comfort zone is difficult and takes strength, but that doesn’t mean that your comfort zone is what is best for you in the long run. Allowing yourself to become complacent in life may leave you in a position that’s not good for you mentally or physically.
11. Merida: You have the power to change your life, don’t let anyone else take control of that
If you’re unhappy in a certain situation in your life, you have the power to change that. The change may not be instant and it may be difficult, but you still have the power to make active movement towards that change.
12. Moana: You have to listen to your own calling, regardless of who it may upset
Sometimes the people in our life may not understand or accept the path that we’re heading towards. Remember that you don’t need anyone’s approval to follow your calling in life.

Image Credit: IMDb
This list is compiled of official Disney princesses- ruled out and named by the Walt Disney Company itself. But we’ll address the elephant in the room- where are Anna and Elsa?
This may come as a surprise to some, but the two sisters from Arendelle are not a part of the official Disney princess lineup.
Why you might ask? Originally it was planned that Anna and Elsa were going to join the official princess line-up until Frozen was released and transformed into the cultural phenomenon that it is now.
Disney was nervous that the popularity of these two would overshadow the rest of the princesses in the official line-up and decided to leave them out.
Making the decision to leave them out of the official line-up also allowed Disney to make Frozen its own merchandise franchise, allowing the company to reap more money from the successful film.
Which Disney princess is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.