What’s Going On With the Disneyland Railroad?
Ah, the Disneyland Railroad. Arguably one of the most nostalgic attractions in the park, filling us with cozy hometown spirit, and a magical reminder of simpler times gone by.
Earlier today we reported about the adorable festive decorations that had gone up around the Main Street Station, which provides the most enchanting welcome to guests entering Disneyland park for a day of adventure. Isn’t it sweet?
However, garlands and ribbons aside, there seems to be something else going on on the railroad at the moment. Passing through the entranceway gates and looking up at the station platform, this was our reporter’s view yesterday:
Hmm, that’s weird. Right?
Today, we went back to check out the exact same spot. And this was that same view, once again this morning:
What’s going on?
Well, as you can see from the signage in the photos, the Disneyland Railroad is currently closed to guests and has been for the past two days. Yep, it seems guests have to go back to walking around the park for a while, rather than leisurely chugging along on the railway! How peculiar!
Unfortunately, we’re not able to say why this closure is occurring at this time. Possible answers might include staff training, necessary maintenance… or maybe Stitch is wreaking havoc on the line. Whatever it is, we hope it goes back to normal soon!
According to the Disneyland app, the train is scheduled to resume chugging along at 4pm today. We’ll keep a close eye on the situation for you, so be sure to stay tuned to MickeyBlog.com for all the latest news!