Category: Aulani

Aulani Spa

Aulani Health and Safety Update

For anyone planning a tropical island getaway to Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa in Hawaii, Disney has just announced some important updates to Hawaii’s Safe Travels Program as well as the Safe Access...


Aulani Travel May Be Impacted by COVID Requirements

Potential updated Hawaiian COVID-19 mandates may indirectly impact Aulani travel.  Hawaii might make some changes, including their definition of “fully vaccinated” and booster shot requirements.    Possible Required Booster for Hawaii Hawaii may require...

Aulani Has Its Own Music Video!?

We’re about to share a video with you that is sure to give you the feels! To celebrate it’s 10 Anniversary, Aulani has it’s own music video!  The song “‘Aulani, Lei Hiwahiwa”  was debuted...