New Strange World Figures Fly into World of Disney
One day, many years from now, Disney’s Strange World will be the answer to a lot of trivia questions. In the same way that you had to be alive in the early 2000s to remember Treasure Planet or Home on the Range, the fact that we will remember Strange World’s time in the sun, will bring us back to the year 2022.
Lets be honest, Disney sent Strange World into theaters to die. The film had poor test screenings, little marketing, and no synergistic push from the company. Despite this however, we have seen a fair amount of merchandise released that ties into the movie.

Photo: DIsney+
Although the film has already come and gone from theaters, over at the World of Disney store at Disney Springs today, we found a whole new collection of Strange World figures.
In case you haven’t seen the movie, here is a brief synopsis. Strange World tells the story of the legendary Caldes family, a clan of heroic explorers. When the family finds themselves in the uncharted and treacherous land of Avalonia, they must put aside their differences and learn to rely on each other.

Photo: Disney
Strange World Collector Set
The first item we came upon was this collector set of Strange World characters. This collection features Splat, Legend, Reaper, Ethan Clade, Meridian Clade, Searcher Clade, Jaeger Clade and President Callisto Mal.
Each figure is given a base to stand on, which makes them easy to display. Here is a closer look.
The whole collection is only $29.99. So if you are looking to stock up on Strange World merchandise before its gone forever, this is a great option!
Ethan Clade Figure
If you are don’t want an entire collection of Strange World figures, Disney is also selling a Ethan Clade and Skiff figure.
This figure features Ethan Claude riding his skiff vehicle. This figure allows you to take Ethan on and off the skiff, and features real spinning propellers.
This is just the kind of Strange World toy that will be a collectable in the future! Right now you can get it at the World of Disney for $19.99!