Monthly Archive: July 2017

Neil Patrick Harris is a big Disney fan

Celebrities Who Love Disney As Much As You Do

Celebrities! They’re just like us, well minus having a personal chef, trainer, a few live-in nannies and a highly disposable income. While you likely roll your eyes at the luxuries celebrities are lucky to...

Disney announces huge updates during its 2017 D23 Expo

Walt Disney World Updates from D23

It’s said that New York City is the boisterous town that never sleeps, but if you’ve ever been around the smart, pioneering engineers, storytellers and animators at Disney, then you know the same could...

Disney World Playgrounds

The 5 Best Disney World Resort Playgrounds

While I know it may seem counter intuitive to be spending all this money, and in most cases traveling great distance, to spend time at the free playgrounds; I have found most of our...