2714 Search results

For the term "Disney imagineer".
4 theme parks

What’s Disney Got Up Its Sleeve?

During the first four months of 2024, Disney officials loosened their lips about upcoming attractions and experiences. At different times, Disney spoke to the business media and then invited fans to Walt Disney Imagineering....

Disney characters

Disney Headlines for April 30th, 2024

We just got our first extended look at the Next Big Thing at Disney theme parks. Also, we received some clarity on the Orlando transportation plan that’s happening with or without Disney and the...

4 theme parks

Disney Rumors for May 2024

This month’s Disney Rumors are more exciting than usual. Things are happening behind the scenes at Disney, with park officials doing something rare. Influencers and reporters, some of whom work for tech sites, have...

Magical Express petition

Disney Changes I Disagree With

Like many of you, I’m a notorious homer. As a lifelong fan of Atlanta sports, I’ve learned that you must keep hope alive, no matter how many times the Falcons choke. That notoriously upbeat...