Tagged: Hocus Pocus 2

Sanderson Sisters

Winifred and Sarah Sanderson Fly in Hocus Pocus 2

A new video shows some awesome footage of Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2.  Winifred and Sarah Sanderson fly, but Sarah uses a Swiffer instead of a broom!   The Witches Return Of course, Sarah Jessica Parker...

Hocus Pocus 2

Sarah Jessica Parker, Seen as Sarah Sanderson

While Christmas gears up for many people, Halloween still reigns in Newport, Rhode Island.  Recently, Sarah Jessica Parker was seen reprising her role as Sarah Sanderson in Hocus Pocus 2.  Welcome Back, Sarah Sanderson Sarah...

Hocus Pocus 2

Vinessa Shaw Desires a Return to Hocus Pocus 2

Vinessa Shaw, who played Allison in Hocus Pocus, would love to battle the Sanderson sisters once again.  Therefore, Vinessa Shaw desires to return to the Hocus Pocus sequel.  Will Shaw Return? Shaw said, “I...