The Bow-tiful Minnie Mouse Starbucks Tumbler Is In Magic Kingdom!
In the mood to shop? If so, you might want to head over to Disney World! (To be transparent–that’s our default suggestion.)
EPCOT has the new Mini Mix-Its, Magic Kingdom debuted its own spirit jersey, and new collections are popping up all over the resort! And while in Magic Kingdom today, we spotted a bow-tiful new tumbler–let’s check it out!
Minnie Starbucks Tumbler
We stopped by the Emporium today and found the new Minnie Mouse Starbucks Tumbler! It costs $44.99.
The dark red tumbler is covered in her signature polka-dots, along with bows and Minnie heads. It also has the Starbucks logo.
The bottom has the resort logo.
The black lid has Minnie’s signature, along with “XOXO.”
You can also get it on the Disney Store website if you won’t be in the parks anytime soon!
So head over to Magic Kingdom to get your own tumbler. And we’ll keep bringing you the latest finds from around the resort, so stay tuned to
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