The People You Should Avoid at Disney

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1 Response

  1. MimikyuILoveYou says:

    The stroller as a weapon is something I’ve experienced way too may times. Two weeks ago I was walking along the Rivers of America at DLR and this guy behind me kept hitting me with the stroller he was pushing. After the third time, I turned around and yelled as loud as I could, “You’re hitting me!” He looked utterly shocked and mumbled some faint apology. Then there was the time years ago standing in line at Toy Story Midway Mania and a man behind me kept slamming into me with his stroller. I turned around and yelled, “You do that one more time and I’m going to scream so loud it will get security running here from the whole park!” Then there’s my favorite, the people who push their strollers from behind into to the front of a group of people walking so as to get ahead of everybody.