New Forest Apple Mouse is a Haunted Halloween Delight at Wilderness Lodge
Has this year’s Disney Parks Halloween Foodie Guide left you drooling? Terrifying treats, spooky snacks, pumpkin spice here, there, and everywhere… we just can’t get enough!
Here at MickeyBlog, we’ve been visiting our favorite spots all across Walt Disney World, haunting and hunting for the best treats the resort has to offer this season. Right now, we’re over at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge, so come with us to see what’s on the menu here!
Roaring Fork
Have you visited Roaring Fork? Not only does this Wilderness Lodge quick service spot boast an undeniably cool name, but it’s also got quite the history of serving up delicious themed treats all throughout the year.
For Halloween 2024, it’s the Haunted Forest Apple Mousse that has brought our reporters into the cabin.
It looks ever-so pretty and delicious…so let’s place our order and try it out!
The whole dessert looks like a poisoned red apple sat atop a woodland tree stump.
It’s really giving Snow White… almost as though the Roaring Fork chefs had been inspired by that spellbinding teaser trailer we saw at the weekend!
Haunted Forest Apple Mouse
So, what is this dessert? Well, according to the pumpkin-orange-colored menu card, it sounds like a fruity, sweet, decadent delight!
Hidden inside this dessert is a green cake, topped with two different kinds of delicious mousse. The first is a sour apple mousse, and the second is flavored like cookies and cream. Fan-favorite flavors, for sure!
The treat cost $7.99, and it’s worth saying that it’s one of the most photogenic desserts we’ve found at Walt Disney World this season so far!
Of course, our MickeyBlog reporters had to dig in and try this out today. It’s a hard job, but someone’s got to do it… right?
Thankfully, we’re thrilled to report that there was nothing but good words to be said about this dessert. Decadent, delicious, and a definite recommendation from us!
While the sour-apple-plus-cookies-and-cream combo may sound unappealing to some, our reporters affirmed that the two flavors combined beautifully, with the sourness of the fruit coming across perfectly balanced by the sweetness of the chocolate flavor.
The cake was moist, the mousse was creamy, and we’d certainly recommend the trip over to Wilderness Lodge to try this out!
So, if this Haunted Forest Apple Mousse sounds like something you’d like to try, we hope you enjoy a visit over to Roaring Fork to try it out this Halloween season.
Of course, you can be sure to stay tuned to for even more Halloween foodie reviews and recommendations – we’ll be trying it all right here!