Which Attractions Will Your Child Like at Animal Kingdom?
Deciding whether an attraction is good for you is simple. The trick is picking the right entertainment options for your child.
When you choose wrong, you’re facing an outburst of emotion and angry tears…and your child probably won’t be too happy about it, either.

I’m kidding, but you know the deal. You visit Walt Disney World to have the unforgettable family vacation of a lifetime, and you don’t want to mess it up.
So, which Animal Kingdom attractions will your child like? That’s a challenging question.

About Disney Height Requirements
Disney cast members WILL enforce height requirements. They do this to ensure your child’s safety.
Please don’t be one of those parents who thinks the rules don’t apply to your kid.

Photo: WDW prep school
Also, be aware that even if your child is technically tall enough to ride, they may not enjoy doing so. Let’s talk through the various options to decide.
Affection Section
Some of these attractions are no-brainers.

Photo: Disney Wiki Fandom
Personally, I view Affection Section as more of an area than a specific attraction, but the point stands.
Yes, your child will love visiting a petting zoo!
This one’s kind of obvious, but it underscores something essential to Animal Kingdom. This park exists to bring attention to the circle of life on our planet.

Photo: Disney Touring Plans
Kids can and do learn to appreciate the importance of showing kindness and attention to animals.
Affection Section doubles as a vital exercise in learning that we’re all part of a vast, interconnected ecological system…one with fuzzy animals who are fun to pet!

Photo: Disney Touring Plans
Avatar Flight of Passage
Disney allows guests who are 44 inches tall to ride Avatar Flight of Passage.
I have no reason to argue against Disney, as the company performs countless hours of research to safeguard your children’s safety.

Photo: touring plans.com
All I can add anecdotally is that height charts suggest that the average six-year-old is 44 inches tall.
Personally, I wouldn’t let a six-year-old ride no matter how much they begged. I view the attraction as too intense for such young kids.

Photo: Disney
I’d suggest waiting until children are at least eight, which may not sound like much, but it’s 33 percent older.
Still, the question is whether your child will adore Avatar Flight of Passage. That answer is clearly yes since it’s one of the best Disney attractions ever.

This one’s among my favorite rides at Walt Disney World, and I know for a fact that kids tend to love it.
When you ride DINOSAUR, the extinct creatures return to life. Please keep in mind that it can be scary for a kid to confront a life-sized dinosaur, though.

Image Credit: Disney
The height requirement of 40 inches means that the average five-year-old should be okay to ride.
I think that’s borderline, depending on how well your child does with loud noises and scary monsters.

Photo: Disney
You may want to wait another year or two just in case.
Discovery Island Trails
Obviously, this is a walkthrough experience. So, it’s available to children of all ages.

Photo: Disney
More importantly, your child will adore this trail because they may run into kangaroos or otters or gorgeous birds!
In particular, the flamingos and macaws will dazzle your kids since they’re such beautiful birds.

Photo: Disney
Still, I’d wager that the most memorable experience will involve the gigantic Galapagos Tortoises.
Expedition Everest
Wow, I do NOT agree with Disney on this one.

Photo: Disney
The 44” height requirement suggests that most six-year-olds could ride what is arguably Disney’s most aggressive roller coaster.
If your child can handle Expedition Everest at six, you’ve got a fearless world-class athlete on your hands.

Photo: Disney
I’m often hanging on for dear life, and I’m 30 inches over the height requirement!
Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail
You watch cute gorillas play in their natural habitat. It’s wonderful, and I’ve yet to meet a child who disliked it.
This one’s an easy win for you during your park visit!
It’s Tough to Be a Bug!
Confession: I find this building kinda creepy. The hive setup makes me feel like I’ve angered Ant-Man, and I’m about to incur his wrath.
Still, this ten-minute show will entertain all guests, which is why Animal Kingdom has kept it around for so long.
Specifically, kids will marvel at the bugs who can talk! And children always seem to laugh the hardest when they get stung at the end.

Photo: Disney
Kali River Rapids
Here’s one your child will love that you may not.
The 38” inch height restriction means that most four-year-old kids can ride Kali River Rapids. And they’ll have a blast doing so!

Photo: WIkipedia
Unfortunately, like so many other aspects of childcare, you’ll be the one stuck cleaning up if/when your kid gets drenched.
Some kids are better about clean-up than others. When I was a kid, if I was wet, I made sure everybody was wet.

Photo: D23
Parents with children like that should avoid Kali River Rapids like the plague. You’ll wind up having to dry off while you help your child as well.
Beyond that, the spinning raft ride provides thrills for all! Plus, the hidden environmental message may stick with your child.

Photo: Disney
Kilimanjaro Safaris
Okay, let’s talk through the positives and negatives here.
On the plus side, you can show your kid any number of majestic creatures as they live out their daily routines in their natural habitats.

Photo: Disney
When your child is way into Kilimanjaro Safaris it’s one of the best experiences imaginable.
However, we’re also talking about a bumpy 20+ minute ride through uneven terrain. Your child could throw a tantrum or two during the visit.

Photo: Disney
As such, you’ll know how well your child behaves on long car rides. If they tend to act out, this particular safari could turn into a nightmare for you.
I believe your child will love this ride, but I’ve also seen some kids who hated it more than a school assembly.

Photo: Disney
Maharajah Jungle Trek
You’ll track deer, water buffalo, and even a tiger during this jungle adventure.
As such, your kid may prefer this one to any of the other animal encounters we discuss.
If I had to rank them, I’d go with Gorilla Falls then this jungle trek followed by Discovery Island Trails.
Na’vi River Journey
Believe it or not, this wet ride comes with no height restrictions. So, children of any age can ride.
More importantly, they should because they’ll love everything about it.

Photo: Disney
The breathtaking backdrop will hypnotize even the kids with the shortest lifespans.
Since the Pandora backdrop includes so many kinetic elements, it’ll distract from start to finish.

Photo: DigitialSpy.com
Meanwhile, unlike DINOSAUR, there’s nothing on Na’vi River Journey that would scare a child. It’s totally harmless but gorgeous.
TriceraTop Spin
Okay, this one’s a good news/bad news situation.

Photo: Disney
Your child will probably love TriceraTop Spin, which will spin them around in the air. Even better, they’ll believe they’re riding a dinosaur.
For you, this attraction may prove too childlike for you to have fun.

Photo: Disney
Then again, your child’s euphoria should make the experience at least tolerable, possibly even joyous for you.
Wildlife Express Train
Have you ever met a child who didn’t want to ride a train?

Photo: Disney
Now, expand that thought process to a Disney train that carries guests to cuddly animals.
Yes, they will love the Wildlife Express Train, which doesn’t have a height requirement either.
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Photo: Disney