Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Lands Its Writer
Patty Jenkins brings in Matthew Robinson to pen the next Star Wars movie, Rogue Squadron….
Did any of you ever watch Happy Days? When I was a grade-schooler, the show and its syndicated reruns were a staple in my house. And while I loved Richie Cunningham — some “friends” might say I am Richie — but everyone wanted to be Fonzie, a superhero in a leather jacket.

Image: ABC
However, some of the best moments were when “The Fonze” was human. Fonzie was especially vulnerable when he was incorrect. In fact, Arthur Fonzarelli can’t say the word “wrong.”
But I am often wrong, and I can say so.
I was w,w,w, wrong…
Back in January, I posted:
In the above epic failure, I speculated that Rian Johnson or Kevin Feige could be the writer on Rogue Squadron. I do not know what possessed me to do that.
The Dark Side, maybe? Anyway…
Here’s to you, Matthew Robinson…
Friday, in an exclusive, The Hollywood Reporter’s Borys Kit posted:
The mystery of who is writing Patty Jenkins’ Star Wars movie has been solved.
Matthew Robinson… is penning the script to Rogue Squadron, which Jenkins is due to direct for Lucasfilm and Disney, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.

Image: Warner Brothers
Previously, Jenkins (Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman 1984) explained that this film is very personal to her.
Jenkins’ involvement was revealed in December 2020 by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy during Disney’s investor day.
In a separate video posted on Twitter, Jenkins said she is using her fighter pilot father as an inspiration for the project and has wanted to make the “greatest fighter pilot movie ever made.”
Rogue Squadron Teaser
Check out that trailer:
Perhaps best known for The Invention of Lying, Robinson also penned Love and Monsters and Dora and the Lost City of Gold.
Currently, he is in postproduction on Little Shop of Horrors and Live Die Repeat and Repeat.
Not So Long Ago…

Edge of Tomorrow (Warner Bros).
Back in 2019, Deadline reported:
Taking seriously the film’s one-sheet catchphrase Live Die Repeat, Warner Bros is developing a sequel to the crowd-pleasing summer 2014 hit Edge Of Tomorrow. Matthew Robinson (The Invention Of Lying) pitched a take and has been brought on to write the sequel.
And now, Robinson will be looking to help create the first non-Skywalker Saga Star Wars standalone film (as Rogue One and Solo: A Star Wars Story each used characters from the Original Trilogy).
Rogue Squadron Pitch?
One wonders just how cool a pitch Robinson brought to Jenkins for Rogue Squadron.

Image: Lucasfilm
Little is known about the film’s premise, although most assume it is based on the same squadron that Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles led during their Rebellion days. It’s also thought that Rogue Squadron could be set after the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Image: Lucasfilm
Now, the X-Wing fighter shown in the logo looks to resemble the style of starship flown by Skywalker and Antilles during the Original Trilogy rather than the slightly sleeker design of the ships flown by Poe Dameron or Snap Wexley in the Sequel Trilogy.
But all that doesn’t really matter does it? It’s Star Wars and X-Wings on the big screen and we have a writer.

Image: ABC
Feature Image: Lucasfilm