Third “Loki” Episode Blurs Line between Illusion and Reality
The most recent episode of “Loki” gives clues that everything may not be as straightforward as it seems. The show about the God of Mischief may be moving more into a “Wandavision”-style misdirect when it comes to the current situation our “heroes” find themselves in.

Credit: Marvel Entertainment
Sylvie’s Sly Choices
At the onset of the episode, we see Ravonna Renslayer (and Loki) thwart Sylvie’s attempts to gain access to the Timekeepers via their golden elevator. Instead, Loki activates Sylvie’s Temp-Pad via pickpocketing, sending them to Lamentis-1.

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This is where the misdirects begin to happen. Sylvie attempts to escape before seeing the Temp-Pad says, “You’re out of juice”. We see that Loki’s magic is again active while out of the TVA as he teleports to steal and make the Temp-Pad disappear. With his tricks back, can we trust that what Sylvie tried to use was actually the Temp-Pad or just an illusion

Image Credit: Chuck Zlotnick/Marvel
In addition, Sylvie makes an attempt to enchant Loki which seemingly doesn’t work. Loki explains his “mind is too strong.” However, we know Sylvie can handle strong-minded people. It begs the question: Is Loki enchanted this entire episode or does his resistance show that he too has mastered this power?
More Friend than Foe?
After boarding a train, Sylvie and Loki have a flirtatious heart-to-heart in the drink car before they decide to rest in their own ways: Sylvie sleeping, and Loki drinking. When Sylvie awakes she finds Loki has shed his disguise and has the bar clapping along to an Asgardian folk song. How does a train full of humans and a cello player know this song?

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Has Loki enchanted the entire bar? If he did, the alcohol caused him to miss one who ended up calling the guards. After a skirmish resulting in Loki being physically ejected from the train, we find that the fall has destroyed the Temp-Pad. Again, this begs the question on whether this is true or another one of Loki’s tricks.
Loki’s New Skills
Near the end of the episode, the Variants are attempting to hijack the Ark, the last bus off the planet before annihilation. During their attempt, society is beginning to break down as people are starting to fear for their lives.

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In addition, the moon is sending more and more rocks tumbling to the ground, causing buildings to collapse. One such building falls directly toward Loki who uses magic to suddenly reverse time and send it straight back up.

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This is not a power we have seen Loki wield before. In fact, this power is more closely aligned with that of the Time Stone seen in “Doctor Strange” and “Avengers: Infinity War.” Given how much sleight of hand Loki has shown in this show, I think it’s safe to say that Loki pocketed one of those stones he found in Casey’s drawer.

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Only time will tell if these conspiracies hold true, but “strange things are afoot at the Circle K.” We know filming just wrapped for the finale this week, so answers should be coming soon.
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