Five of the Strongest Women in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
With Women’s History Month coming to a close next week, we thought it would be a great time to continue our series “The Strongest Women Of…”, this time with women of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Spanning over a decade of films, the MCU has created some of the most iconic characters in film history. In doing so, they’ve delivered on forming some of the strongest women that film has to offer.
With that; the 5 strongest women of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
5. Okoye, Black Panther
There is no denying the impact that the introduction of the fictional country of Wakanda had on the MCU.
It brought with it a host of iconic characters that have all played vital parts in the continued development of the universe as a whole.

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Of these characters, perhaps none are as important as Okoye. The right hand of the King of Wakanda himself, T’Challa is rarely seen without Okoye in tow.
The two work as partners in leadership; and her presence and quiet strength are always important anchors for a fairly inexperienced T’Challa.

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The warrior’s impact isn’t limited to her appearances in the Black Panther films.
She also played a crucial role in the climactic showdown at the conclusion of Avengers: Endgame, as well as the preceding Wakanda battle against Thanos’ army; leading to the blip that eliminated half of all life.

Image Credit: Marvel Studios
Returning to the fight alongside T’Challa, Sam Wilson, and Bucky Barnes, many will remember Okoye’s place in the Avengers A-Team scene; a place she rightfully deserved among the MCU’s most powerful women.
4. Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel
It is impossible to speak of strong female characters without mentioning the Queen of the Cosmos herself; Captain Marvel.
Possibly the strongest power set ever shown in the MCU, Carol Danvers has unequivocally taken claim as Marvel’s greatest female warrior.
The former fighter pilot oozes charisma and relishes when embracing her stoic strength, and calming demeanor.
She can fire projectile energy blasts that blow ships out of the sky, or plow through a sea of enemies in flight with the energy that exhausts behind her.
Carol is one of Marvel’s heavy hitters, as she is one of Earth’s most necessary defenders in the event of an avengers level threat.
She is strength embodied, and powerful in ways she’s never shy of showing her enemies.
3. Gamora, Guardians of the Galaxy
One of Marvel’s most complex, entertaining, and interesting characters that have ever graced the screen of their decade-long franchise, is the daughter of Thanos herself; Gamora.
Audiences met the intergalactic space princess through the formation of Marvel’s gang of intergalactic misfits; the Guardians of the Galaxy.

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What the adopted daughter of the Mad Titan lacked in teamwork, she more than made up for in intelligence, strength, and overall acumen.
It is impossible to imagine the Guardians franchise without Gamora- she was quietly the force driving the entire team. Where Peter may be the heart of the group; Gamora is the operating system that makes it work. All of this while the Zehoberei Warrior works to overcome the trauma of her past.

Image Credit: Marvel Studios
Gamora is not only one of Marvel’s strongest warriors, but she is the perfect image of character growth, and the determination of one to not be defined by the horrors of their past, and the poor examples of their parents.
She is abundantly strong in ways few other characters ever have to be.
2. Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Captain America: Civil War
Wanda Maximoff is a pillar of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She is undeniably powerful, while also being wildly inexperienced.
She is innocent and curious, while also being incredibly dangerous to the world around her. She is quietly determined to do good, yet horrible traumatized by her past.
It is no wonder that Wanda was one half of Marvel’s first foray into the world of long-form storytelling.
She operates with a depth that few other characters can match; and her powers coupled with both her trauma and youth, make her the catalyst of some of Marvel’s most earth-shattering events.

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But through all of it, through her inexperience, her trauma, and her growth; there is undeniable strength.
Armed with the powers of an Infinity Stone, Wanda literally picked Thanos apart before his call to “reign fire.” At her strongest, She is the most powerful character in all of the MCU; as she can literally bend reality to her will.
Yet, it is her perseverance, her resolve, that make the Scarlet Witch a character who exemplifies the necessary strength of a true hero; a strength few can consent with.
1. Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Iron Man 2
She isn’t super-powered, she doesn’t have the backing of a billionaire empire, she isn’t the inheritor of an intergalactic space force.
She is simply a woman- armed with both the resolve and inner power unmatched by any in Marvel and a lifetime of training to be one of the world’s deadliest beings- who built herself up to become one of Marvel’s foundational characters.

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Making her debut in the 2010 film, Iron Man 2, Natasha first played into the admiring male gaze of one Tony Stark; before quickly establishing herself as unequivocally commuted to her role as a shield agent.
Natasha would have a presence in Marvel’s most pivotal moments till her sacrificial act in Avengers: Endgame.
Black Widow is a name to be revered in the Marvel Universe. A society of female assassins, Romanoff had her childhood stripped away from her. She lost all agency as a woman and was indoctrinated into a life of murder, deception, and false purpose.
What so evidently displays Romanoff’s incomparable strength is what she made out of who the Black a widow organization made her.
She used her knowledge for good, her strength for justice, and she took her destiny into her own hands.
A decisive team member, and an incredibly capable leader; Natasha is the only character who changed sides during the events of Captain America: Civil War. She never let her pride impact her decisions; she allowed Cap to leave the airport, providing him the opportunity to make things right- for the betterment of the team.

Image Credit: Marvel Studios
By the events of Avengers: Endgame, Romanoff is the voice of leadership and steadiness that all remaining avengers members report too. She gives orders, she has gained trust as a leader, and she is the pillar of strength that the entire team turns to in their most trying time.
In a world where Captain America, Iron Man, Bruce Banner, and Thor have all survived; it is Natasha Romanoff who stands as the fortress for all Avengers members to look to.

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It is Black Widow who- prior to her thankless sacrifice that grants the avengers a crucial infinity stone- stands firm, as a mountain unmoving, and single handle fly holds together that family that she holds so dear.
Honorable Mention. Peggy Carter, Captain America: The First Avenger
There is one woman that stood before the rest in the MCU. One who defined Grace, beauty, passion, resilience, and honor in her undeniable strength; that’s Peggy Carter.
Although superseded by the super-powered women who would join the universe in the subsequent years, Carter was the original image of strength in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger.

Image Credit: Marvel Studios
Set in 1942, Carter was well ahead of the mainstream feminist movement and never allowed the preconceptions of her peers to deny her impact.
The originator of S.H.I.E.L.D, Actor Hayley Atwell reprised her role in the short-lived Agent Carter; which wonderfully depicted her experiences as a spy for the newly found agency.

Image Credit: Marvel Studios
Peggy was equal parts stylish and beautiful as she was fierce and unmoving. Her impact on the MCU could be seen as far as the universe has grown.
So there you have it, five of the strongest women in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What do you think of our picks? Let us know in the comments below.