Star Wars Pinball VR Featured On TWiSW
Star Wars Pinball, The Bad Batch, and Republic Commando Highlight This Week! In Star Wars….
It happens, rarely. But when it does, it is, in the words of Kitster, “Pretty wizard, Annie.”
Star Wars Pinball
So, when on a trip to York’s Wild Kingdom (a couple years back), I found an honest to goodness Star Wars Pinball Game in the arcade – I took pictures!
It was, of course, in the back, with the rest of the pinball machines.
I am pretty sure I had a toy like this back in the day. I love that it was bolted in.
“Ohhh, they’ve encased him in carbonite…”
“I’m on the leader…”
I want to say this is a “Special Edition” era pinball machine, which would have made it about 20-years old.
VR Pinball
Jump through the World Between Worlds and you make it today, where introduced the next era in galactic pinball: Star Wars Pinball VR
This game features a few more gimmicks than the old real world version.

You see The Mandalorian, The Child, and the Razorcrest?

I love this. Endor and Hoth are featured.

A better look which actually shows Tatooine, Endor, and Hoth.
This Week! In Star Wars
Star Wars Pinball VR is set to launch with eight tables: the brand-new The Mandalorian and Star Wars Classic Collectibles tables, along with six remastered favorites, including Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars Rebels, and Masters of the Force.
The game arrives on Oculus Quest 1 & 2, Steam VR, PlayStation VR on April 29. And Star Wars Pinball VR is also featured on today’s This Week! In Star Wars.
Finally, you can read more about The Bad Batch and Republic Commando right here on