The Star Wars Show: Mmmmmm. Pancake wars?
Welp, all things being equal, we would have excused the fine folks at The Star Wars Show had they simply bagged it.
It’s not the most informative episode of the Star Wars news show, but it was pretty entertaining. And, karabast, now I’m hungry.
Pancake Wars: The Skywalker Saga
The official YouTube channel posted:
Is it possible to eat the entire Skywalker saga in pancake form? In this previously recorded segment, Matt Lieb and Dancakes serve up a tall stack to find out! Jar Jar eating a gorg, Yoda with his snakes, Babu Frik, and more scenes from the Star Wars galaxy come to life as delicious pancakes.
But this wasn’t the first time that the folks from the Dancakes gang had pancaked The Saga.
More Star Wars Pancakes
Back in 2015, they pulled together some more batter masterpieces:
All of your favorite Star Wars characters as pancakes, spanning from all 7 episodes… Pancakes by: Daniel (Dr. Dan) Drake.
Disney Da
And for some bonus footage, check out Dancakes Disney Pancakes:
Watch as pancake sensation #Dancakes creates colorful, edible art with all your favorite Disney characters.