Shanghai Disneyland Closes Due To Increased Concern Over Coronavirus
Disney has decided to act in the face of growing concern over the deadly coronavirus outbreak that started spreading in China earlier this month. The company officially announced that they will be closing Shanghai Disneyland. The closure will take effect starting on Saturday and will also affect Disneytown, Walt Disney Grand Theatre and Wishing Star Park according to representatives from Shanghai Disney.
In an official statement, Disney said the move was “in response to the prevention and control of the disease outbreak and in order to ensure the health and safety of our guests and cast” They added, “We will continue to carefully monitor the situation and be in close contact with the local government, and we will announce the reopening date upon confirmation,” Shanghai Disney Resort said in a statement.
The company advised that they will be offering refunds to guests who have prepurchased tickets.
As of going to print, hundreds of cases of this new respiratory illness have been confirmed in China. The virus is believed to have originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The illness is a new kind of coronavirus. This is a large family of viruses of which the common cold is one but can also be linked to stronger strains such as SARS and MERS.
Confirmed cases currently sit at 830 with 26 deaths as a result. As a precautionary measure, Wuhan has suspended all inbound and outbound flights as well as trains, buses and ferries. 9 other cities in the province of Hubei have done the same. Other cases of the virus have been reported in South Korea, Singapore, Japan and there is currently one expected case in the state of Washington in the U.S.
As of going to print, there is no indication of how long the Shanghai Disneyland closure will last but keep following along with MickeyBlog and we promise to keep you posted!