Mark Hamill Hints At His Appearance In Star Wars: Episode IX
If you’ve watched Star Wars “Original Trilogy” or The Last Jedi this SHOULD NOT come as a spoiler; however, SPOILERS for The Last Jedi & The Rise of Skywalker are ahead. [SIGH]
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How Will Mark Hamill Make An Appearance in Episode IX
Okay, so the legendary Mark Hamill basically told the world how he’ll return in Star Wars: Episode IX – Force ghost.
If this comes as a surprise, do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Just go rewatch a whole bunch of stuff before December. And I mean this in full camraderie with whomever is coming to Star Wars in this late epoch of The Saga.
Anyway, check out this clip from the Associated Press:
Closure for Luke Skywalker?
Luke Skywalker seemingly became one with the Force permanently in “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.” But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the Jedi master is gone for good from the “Star Wars” franchise.
After all, actor Mark Hamill’s voice is heard on the new “Rise of Skywalker” trailer. And on the red carpet for his film “Child’s Play,” he hinted that he could return as a Force ghost, Obi-Wan Kenobi-style.
“I had closure in the last (movie),” Hamill told the Associated Press. “The fact that I’m involved in any capacity is only because of that peculiar aspect of the ‘Star Wars’ mythology where if you’re a Jedi you get to come back, make a curtain call as a Force ghost.”

Can’t Wait for December
As an OG Obi-Wan Kenobi fan, I am excited for this – um – eventuality. And, of course, Luke himself told us that he wasn’t done:
And while it was heartwrenching to watch Luke pass into the Force, it was no less upsetting to see Obi-Wan sacrifice himself. So, when it came time for Skywalker to have his final hero moment, I was prepared. However, I am more than prepared to see Luke return as a Force ghost.
And let’s hope he brings along some of his own mentors….
But what do you think? Are you hoping Luke returns in blue? Let us know in the comments.